Saturday, October 15, 2016

Vorlesung # 14 German Sentence Structure

Learn German Language

# Structure of Sentence
Actually there are three possibilities to make Sentence in German Language, these possibilities are given below.

Nominativ: Subject + Verb

Akkusativ: Subject + Verb + Direct Object

Dativ: Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object

In  Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ rules of nominativ, akkusativ and dativ will be used respectively.

~ Nominativ is Simple Sentence where we are not concerned with Direct Object.
For Instance,
Ich esse. ( I eat / I  am eating)
Wir trinken. ( We drink / We are drinking)
Ihr spielt. ( You play / You are playing)
Du benutzt. ( You use / You are using)

~ Akkusativ is Sentence where we are concerned with Direct Object.
For Instance,
Ich esse das Biryani. ( I eat the biryani/ I  am eating the biryani)
Wir trinken einen Saft. ( We drink a juice/ We are drinking a juice)
Ihr spielt das Kricket. ( You play the cricket / You are playing the cricket)
Du benutzt ein Handy . ( You use a Mobile / You are using a Mobile.)

~ Dativ is Sentence where we are concerned with Indirect Object.
For Instance,
Ich esse im Haus das Biryani. ( I eat the Biryani in the house/ I  am eating the biryani in the house)
Wir trinken in der Schule einen Saft. ( We drink a juice in the school / We are drinking a juice in the school)
Ihr spielt im Park das Kricket. ( You play the cricket in the park / You are playing the cricket in the park)
Du benutzt in der Klasse ein Handy . ( You use a Mobile in the class  / You are using a Mobile in the class.)

Sentences are Said to be Divalent and Trivalent when ....

Divalent = When there is Nominativ and Akkusativ
Divalent = When there is Nominativ and Dativ

Trivalent = When there is Nominativ , Dativ , Akkusativ.

Note that: Position of Dativ is fixed that is after Nominativ and before Akkusativ.

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Waqar Ali Memon

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